
Nhat Kieu Minh, CEO & Founder of EazyViral, started his career by launching YouTube channels to earn money with Adsense since 2015. He studied at Hanoi University of Transport and Communications, majoring in bridge and road construction. After graduation, he quickly realized that this career was not for him. At that time, the internet and online money-making were becoming popular, and he knew that was his calling. Passionate about the online world, he spent time building a network of YouTube channels, mainly animation channels for children and some about personal development.

Nhat is a lifelong learner, always updating himself with the latest knowledge from the best in Digital Marketing, particularly Social Media Marketing, SEO, Email Marketing, and effective marketing strategies for businesses. Besides his love for Marketing, Nhat is also keen on business and enterprise development. Noticing many low-quality social media and marketing services in the market, he founded EazyViral in 2017 to provide high-quality services to his clients. His vision is to make EazyViral one of the top trusted Marketing Agency services for individuals and businesses.

Nhat promises to bring lots of quality content to readers about online marketing, personal development, and business growth. Stay tuned!





Affiliate Marketing On YouTube: Beginner Tips To Make Money

By Nhat Kieu Minh

Have you ever heard about affiliate marketing on YouTube? I’m sure you did. YouTube has been recognized as the bottomless well of income and this marketing is one of the most common methods for YouTuber to earn extra income. 

clock8 min readview647 readsJan 10, 2021

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Audience Retention Rate – Everything You Need To Know About It

By Nhat Kieu Minh

The term audience retention is probably a familiar concept to YouTube creators. Why? Today, we are going to dive into this topic to find the reasons. But first, let’s take a look at its definition.  We don’t want t...

clock7 min readview606 readsJan 09, 2021

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How to Do the Best Youtube Keyword Research for Video SEO


How to Do the Best Youtube Keyword Research for Video SEO?

By Nhat Kieu Minh

For those who get to know about making money with videos online, you may wonder what Youtube keyword research is? Generally speaking, this is the task of finding out keywords and key phrases that watchers are prone to use upon searching for Youtube videos. 

clock9 min readview10475 readsJan 09, 2021

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How To Sell On YouTube


How To Sell On YouTube? 4 Steps To Be The Best Seller Products On YouTube

By Nhat Kieu Minh

YouTube has become one of the most popular search engines for videos. Do you know how to sell on YouTube?  Here, we’ve prepared 4 steps to help you create the best sellers on YouTube. You should start by creating i...

clock13 min readview18731 readsJan 09, 2021

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How To Write The Best Youtube Description


How To Write The Best Youtube Description?

By Nhat Kieu Minh

A successful Youtube channel takes a massive amount of time to be recognized and defined. If you are working on your channel and wishing it to be viral, you need to take even the smallest things into consideration, specifically the Youtube description. 

clock7 min readview636 readsJan 08, 2021

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How To Have The Best Youtube Video Title


How To Have The Best Youtube Video Title? – 5 Tips To Nail The Title!

By Nhat Kieu Minh

Any video creator would love to see their Youtube channel grow every day with many subscribers coming up, huge numbers of likes and comments under their videos. For a Youtube channel to succeed, many things need to be nailed from the beginning, and one of them is having t...

clock6 min readview703 readsJan 07, 2021

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How to Setup YouTube Ads for Beginners


How to Setup YouTube Ads for Beginners?

By Nhat Kieu Minh

Since video content has become one of the most powerful means, have you ever thought of setting up YouTube ads instead of Google Ads? Indeed, you should do it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE because this is the mos...

clock11 min readview1905 readsJan 07, 2021

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youtube analytics


All You Need to Know About YouTube Analytics to Improve Your Channel

By Nhat Kieu Minh

Through analyzing YouTube Analytics and its metric, you soon know how to increase engagement, views, and subscribers for your YouTube video. Later, you can easily grow and scale your YouTube channel and the business.

clock9 min readview594 readsJan 06, 2021

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When is the best time to upload to Youtube


When is the best time to upload to Youtube? – The Secret to viral videos!

By Nhat Kieu Minh

All content creators would love their videos to receive thousands of views from social media within a short time. To achieve this achievement, you must unleash one of the biggest Youtube's secrets: when is the best time to upload to Youtube? 

clock5 min readview691 readsJan 06, 2021

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Get More Views on YouTube: 12 Ways to Get More Views for Beginners


Get More Views on YouTube: 12 Ways to Get More Views for Beginners

By Nhat Kieu Minh

If you’re a beginner and eager to get more views on YouTube, you’ve come to the right place. If you’ve been on YouTube for quite some time, you tried every way possible, like using intriguing titles and...

clock11 min readview459 readsDec 29, 2020

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