YouTube Search Trends – Ways to Become Channel Trending Videos

Last updated February 09, 2021

user Written by Nhat Kieu Minh

Become a YouTube Recommended Video with YouTube Search Trends

Have you been trying to keep up with YouTube search trends but still failed to get your videos on YouTube Trending? Look no further because you’ve come to the right place!

This article covers a brief about the YouTube algorithms and ways to utilize the full potential of Google Trending to level up your YouTube game. Stay tuned!

What is YouTube Search Trends?

YouTube search trends include the keywords that are most searched on the platform. In other words, trending.

Ever heard of YouTube Trending? When you click on the three-bar icon on the upper left of the screen, you will see ‘Trending’ right under ‘Home.’ Click on it, and the YouTube Trending page should be right in front of your eyes.

This page displays a wide range of different content that is newest and most popular on YouTube at the moment, regarding the country.

What is YouTube Search Trends

You can find anything here, from music to comedy. Some trends are predictable, like a new movie trailer or a newly released song from one of the big artists. You can change your current location to another nation to see what is popping in other parts of the globe.

Trending is the perfect combination of popularity and novelty.

YouTube encourages creators and artists who are on the rise to create more content by displaying their videos on Trending for an entire day. However, keep in mind that the page refreshes every 15 minutes to change the video rank.

Nevertheless, once your video has successfully gotten to YouTube Trending, the organic engagement and interaction to your channel will grow to a remarkable extent.

The big question, how are you going to get your video to become one of the YouTube search trends, though? Well, isn’t that what we’re here to figure out?! Keep on reading; the answer will be revealed in the next sections!

Understand YouTube Algorithms

You’ve probably heard of the word ‘YouTube Algorithms’ a lot, but do you understand its meaning? You should understand what the algorithms are about first to effectively catch up with the YouTube search trends.

In accordance with YouTube, the algorithm focuses mostly on individual video performance, including finding the right video for the targeted audience to have them use the platform. 

Youtube algorithm
Understand YouTube Algorithms

In other words, the algorithms decide which video will get to pop up on a certain user’s suggested video section.

Even though the recommendation stream is a two-way operation, there are still things you can do to increase the chance that your video will become a recommended video.

A suggested video is judged based on these factors:

  • How much time people spent watching (watch time),
  • Interaction level (the number of likes, comments, views, etc.),
  • SEO optimized title, description, video tags,
  • The video’s popularity (not only on YouTube but also other social media platforms),
  • How recent is the video (the algorithms often gives newly published videos more attention),
  • The frequency of new uploads (the algorithms prefer those with a more frequent and consistent uploading schedule).

As for the potential viewers, YouTube will look at the watch history to find the most watched topics, thus recommending similar content. It’s not about whether your content is good or bad, but it has to be compatible with what users want to see.

Once your videos have been listed in the recommended list, the benefits are immense. We’re talking about getting more views, faster growth of watch hours, etc. Consequently, it increases the chances of achieving enough watch hours for monetization (get 4000 watch hours).

How to Use Google Trends for YouTube

Before getting to the main part, answer this question for me. What is Google Trends? A platform that shows currently ‘trending,’ most searched keywords on Google? Close enough. But there’s more to it.

Google Trends reports and analyzes the popularity of most-searched phrases or queries from Google Search throughout different countries and religions, thus making comparisons between terms more simplistic. 

Here are some ways to make the most of Google Trends and grow your channel on YouTube.

Use Google Trends for Your Video Content Strategy

See What’s Trending

Go to Google Trendings; you’ll see that the page has already highlighted some current trends around the world, which changes depending on your current location.

By looking at the overall trends from multiple places, you can get a broad sense of what people are searching for worldwide.

Some of it may relate to the types of content you do on your channel, and some of it may not. That being said, you don’t have to go off and do a video about football if it has nothing to do with your existing content strategy. How are your viewers going to dig that?

youtube search trends
Using Google Trend for Youtube Search

Check Trends for Your Vertical

Try to figure out, within your niche vertical, which particular trend is more prevalent than the others. The truth is, you’ll never know when the trend reimburses if you don’t check Google Trends.

Dig in the Related Queries

Once you have picked a term you searched for, there will be all sorts of information on the page.

You will find one of the boxes labeled ‘Related Queries’ showing any queries relating to the keywords or phrases you searched.

Use Google Trends for SEO Optimization

Imagine this:

You wanted to make a video about a specific topic, so you went to look up the keywords on Google Trends and got the needed information. Then, you got the video and was getting ready to publish it.

The thing is, you were also tempted to strategically put some of the phrases in the ‘Related Queries’ into your title, description, etc., with the hope of getting a higher ranking on YouTube.

“Will this work out?” you’re wondering.

Yes, it will. But here’s the thing: your video will probably show up in search once or twice. 

However, odds are if your video is not delivering anything related to those phrases that you used (in a way people are looking for or going to be happy with it), the algorithms are going to learn that very quickly.

That’s what matters a lot more than whether you have stuffed a few phrases in the title or description. There is no real shortcut to increasing your traffic unless you can deliver on these SEO optimized phrases in your videos.

The tip is to use these phrases more while you’re planning your content, not after you have finished filming the whole video. Also, try to identify what related concepts there are to create videos around.

If you want to know more about carrying out the best YouTube keyword research for video SEO, check out this article for more information. 

The site also has other useful blogs on ways to grow your empire on different social media platforms; it wouldn’t be a waste of time if you give it a try.

In Closing

Once you have mastered these tips and tricks to use Google Trends for your YouTube channel, getting to know YouTube search trends won’t be that big of a problem anymore.

Google Trends is beneficial in many aspects, including keyword research, schedule planning for publication, and a wide range of other organic tasks and projects – especially in a year where people’s taste for trending topics has changed rapidly.

Typical seasonality looks different for many businesses, and Google Trends helps brands and creators produce relevant and timely content.

Thank you for reading.


Nhat Kieu Minh linkedin

CEO & Founder of EazyViral

Continuously growing is our main target to become one of the best trustable providers in social networking services.

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